This Mourning Period

We are now in the period called the 3 weeks, and it is considered a period of mourning.  I have often wondered how we really mourn for something that we really do not understand.  Historically the temple was destroyed, and we were exiled, but those are not things I REALLY understand because I have never experienced a time with a temple or a world that recognizes G-d and Eretz Yisroel.  So, what do we do during the 3 weeks?  Let’s explore…..

There is a pasuk in the Torah that states the following.

“Rochel cries for her children and she refuses to be consoled.”

This pasuk sounds redundant- if she is crying then she is not consoled.  Why does the Torah state that she refuses to be consoled?

One of our commentators explains the following.  The first half of the pasuk describes one child, those who perished while committed to Hashem and Torah.  The second half of the pasuk describes those children who are lost souls.

Those  children on the path of Torah but died in pogroms, perished in the holocaust, or succumbed to terrorist attacks…..for these lost lives our mother Rochel cries, but she is consoled by the fact that these souls are eternally with Hashem.

However, our mother Rochel refuses to be comforted because of our lost souls.

We may not understand the Temple and we may not understand what it truly means to live in Eretz Yisroel, but we understand lost souls.  As mothers, grandmothers, sisters,  daughters, aunts and friends, we are all touched by the tragedy of those lost to their families, substance abuse, mental illness, addiction and Judaism.  We have lost someone –  daughters, sons, friends, neighbors, spouse or parent and we agonize over how to bring them back, help them, support them, and ease their pain.  The lost souls, we can mourn. But….how do we bring comfort to those mourning and to our mother Rochel?

The answer is two-fold:  We do what we can.   We give our time, our money, our support, our care, our tears and our prayers.

More importantly we commit to our growth, our spiritual connection and our Torah.  In doing so, we bring to others inspiration, strength, courage, understanding and love.  That love and Hashems help can reach any soul and return that soul to health, connection, and Torah.  Then our mother Rochel will find comfort both in your achievement and in those that follow you.  So, take some time to mourn and then make a commitment to grow.