A Name Dropper

One of the many topics discussed in this week’s parsha is when a judge acts inappropriately and therefore one who should be exonerated is actually convicted or obligated to compensate for damages or otherwise. The terminology employed in defining this wrong act is that it is a disgrace. Of course, that in it of itself should alarm the judge and motivate him to pursue his office with diligence and integrity.

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When Are We Leaving?

This is of course the quintessential uncertainty that shrouds our minds until this very moment. The severity of pogroms, holocausts, bestial treatment and abusive environments that our nation has endured for thousands of years seems to never end. And that was exactly what our forefathers in Egypt felt as well. They were worked to the bone and underwent tremendous cruelty at the hands of the Egyptian taskmasters. What was the necessity to undergo such difficulties in order to merit the exodus? 

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First Place

This Shabbos we will read the parsha that discusses the upcoming month of Nissan. It is considered the first and foremost of the months of the year. What indeed is so significant about this month. Of course, we bring the special Passover sacrifice in this month, however why would that make the month itself so important?

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Seeing Red!

After an enjoyable and lively Purim, we begin our ascent to the Yom Tov of Pesach. Of course, there is a lot more work that Pesach entails such as clearing the house of any remaining chometz and kashering the kitchen and buying only specially made food products for Pesach. There is another facet to this wonderful Yom Tov that is not extant at this time.

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The Plateau

Purim is here with the masks and hamantashen. However, what is behind those masks. What is the essence of this incredibly exciting and joyous Yom Tov? R’ Yitzchok Luria better known as the AriZl suggests an amazing understanding of this special day. In Hebrew, the word Yom Kippur contains within its spelling the word Purim. Therefore, he states that even Yom Kippur, which we all view as the most auspicious and hallowed day of the year, is only like Purim.

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How Long Will It Last?

Chasam Sofer cites Rabbeinu Bachya that the length of duration of the first and second Beis Hamikdash is alluded to in the beginning of this parsha. The opening verse states that these are the accountings of ‘the Mishkan’ the ‘Mishkan of Testimony.’ The words ‘the Mishkan’ in Hebrew is one word ‘HaMishkan’ which using ‘Gematriya’ the numerical equivalent of the Hebrew letters equals 415 and since there are five letters in that word that total sum is 420, the span of time of the second Beis Hamikdash.

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Free Time?

This is the only parsha in the Torah that begins with this word “vayakhel” which means to gather together. The Midrash comments that Hashem instructed Moshe to assemble the people jointly on Shabbos and lecture them on the laws of Shabbos. It continues that future generations will derive from this practice to also congregate and teach their communities the different laws pertaining to what is permissible and what is prohibited in general but not necessarily related to Shabbos.

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Why The Kohen Gadol?

We are well aware of the dispute between Korach and Moshe. One of his basic claims was why it is necessary to have special people conduct the service in the Mishkan. After all, the entire nation was consecrated after we received the Torah on Mt. Sinai so why can’t we all partake of the privilege of offering the sacrifices and the other duties that pertain to the operation of the Mishkan?

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Destined for Catastrophe

We are introduced in the parsha to a very interesting concept of owning a Jewish slave. Specifically, we are dealing with one who has stolen and was unable to repay for his robbery. The Beis Din, the Jewish court system, sells the burglar in order to pay the debt and after six years he is freed. However, there is a clause that if the slave wishes to remain with his master he may do so.

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