
VOLUME 102 NUMBER 2Av 15, 5782August 12, 2022PARSHAS VA’ESCHANANCandlelighting Time 7:42 PM             Last Sunday we sat as mourners lamenting the destructions of the two Batei Mikdash. We cried sincere…

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The Empty Space

VOLUME 101 NUMBER Tamuz 23, 5782July 22, 2022PARSHAS PINCHASCandlelighting Time 8:13 PM             During the census, the Torah reminds us of the unfortunate episode of Korach and his henchmen and…

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Defining Perfidy

VOLUME 101 NUMBER 4Sivan 25, 5782June 24, 2022PARSHAS SHELACHCandlelighting Time 8:14 PM             Even though our legacy was besmirched by the ignominy of the Golden Calf debacle, however the nation…

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The Honor System

VOLUME 101 NUMBER 3Sivan 18, 5782June 17, 2022PARSHAS BEHA’ALOSCHACandlelighting Time 8:12 PM             As Maimonides states, Moshe was the greatest prophet of all time. He was prepared at any moment…

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