Why Tomorrow?

The Egyptian empire had been devastated and their nation couldn’t wait until we would leave and they could recoup from all of their losses. However, before we could leave, we were commanded to take from the Egyptians gold, silver and their various belongings. Rashi cites the Talmud that Hashem requested that we should honor this command and indeed take from the Egyptians their possessions.

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The Message

Originally when Moshe questioned Hashem about the merit of the nation to be rescued from Egypt, the answer given was that they would receive the Torah at Mt. Sinai. Seemingly, the fundamental rationale for leaving bondage was to accept the Torah and become the nation of Hashem.

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Why Are We Leaving?

The exodus of the nation from Egypt was certainly a pivotal juncture in our history. A nation enslaved for generations suddenly marches out of captivity as their masters’ empire disintegrates beset by a series of plagues unknown to man. At the helm is Moshe, later described in the Torah as the most humble person on the planet.

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Viewing The Future From The Past

  At the conclusion of the blessings that Yaakov gave his children the Torah states “this” is what their father spoke to them. The meaning of “this” is cryptic and furthermore, Yaakov had just finished the blessings so what is added by this affirmation? Also, some of the sons received blessings that seem to relate to the spiritual, while others were given more physical blessings. Even the rebuke that some received is of spiritual nature since their censure serves to guide them in the future. Why weren’t the blessings all of the same nature?

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The Light of the Dark

The trials and tribulations of Yosef are legendary. A young man of stellar potential cast away from his family, betrayed by his brothers and imprisoned on false charges. Seemingly, these events would be sufficient to destroy the ambition and self-assurance of anyone. Yet Yosef persevered and not only survived but prospered.

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The Great Impasse

  The disagreement between Yosef and his brothers created a tremendous rift amongst the family. Indeed, their hatred for Yosef was so vindictive that they ruled that he should be put to death. Certainly,  an indictment against them for such a spiteful attitude towards their brother. On the other hand, we know that the sons of Yaakov were tremendously righteous people so how could they have erred in such a massive way? Did Yosef mistakenly add to their fire of animosity when he went to their father and complained to him about their behavior? Could that have been avoided?

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The Ultimate Separation

Yaakov after twenty difficult years at the house of Lavan finally travels back to his father. However, not until he has to deal with his wayward brother Eisav. The hatred still prevails because Yaakov stole the blessings from their father Yitzchok that were meant for Eisav. Although Yitzchok eventually conceded them to Yaakov, Eisav was still extremely agitated and was poised for a military encounter with his brother

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Stuck in the Rut

Our Sages refer to Yaakov as the ‘premier’ of the Patriarchs. Certainly, we may assume that Yaakov consolidated the incredibly remarkable traits of his father and grandfather and further expanded the formation of the future nation with his indelible mark of truthfulness. In contrast to his forebears, Yaakov’s household was exceptional with children representing the finest of  scions.

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