To Save A World

Cheshvan 5, 5784
October 20, 2023
Candlelighting Time 5:55 PM

The creation slowly but surely degenerated into pandemonium. The morality of the generations deteriorated and respect for others declined as well, as minor robbery became the norm. It seems to resemble the United States of 2023 which also apparently in sliding into an abyss of social and economic decay. Noach couldn’t save the world but he did have merit to save himself and his family. However, his degree of righteousness was insufficient even for that and the parsha begins with the words that these are the offspring of Noach. The Midrash comments that he was the progenitor of many righteous people, therefore he deserved to remain alive despite the obliteration of the entire world population. Rav Shlomo Kluger points out that even if a person does many mitzvos and is dedicated to serve Hashem, if his raison d’etre is not up to par, then his existence is essentially forfeit. That is why the Midrash states that Noach required Hashem’s assistance, because his own impetus to strive was feeble.

Another Midrash explains that Noach excelled in his relationship with Hashem, however, his desire to help others was weak. He did not alert his fellow citizens that the world was doomed. Although Rashi does explain that when Noach was constructing the Ark and people asked him what he was doing his response was that a flood was coming and the world was going to be destroyed and the Ark would be a refuge for the survivors. Apparently his ability to strike a chord within others was lacking and therefore again his own merit was inadequate to save himself.

Are these two explanations conflicting or do they have a common thread. Perhaps I can suggest that Noach’s inability to reach others with sufficient impact was not due to a lack in his capacity to explains clearly the danger confronting mankind. Rather, although he was indeed a man of righteous nature, however, his thrust in life was more so directed to his own personal growth rather than others. If others would osmotically follow his lead, then Noach certainly would have been gratified, however, that was not his objective. Therefore, when he hammered in the nails to build the Ark and that attracted the attention of those nearby, he was pleased to warn them of their impending destruction. However, he was lackluster to reach out to the general populace, Therefore, the flood is referred to as the ‘floodwaters of Noach’ because he didn’t attempt vigorously to save others. Persuasion by means of being a role model is certainly admirable but when disaster is looming then a much more active role is necessary to create a positive change to avert the imminent catastrophe.

His children clearly noticed the elevated lifestyle that their father proposed and lived their lives in a similar plateau of service to Hashem. However, that continuity that they witnessed in their father was sufficient for their ongoing survival, but not for that of the world.

Today’s times are abnormal as anyone is able to discern. We need not dwell on the obvious but perhaps we need to assess where we are in contrast to the events that are shaping our world. Many of us use our time efficiently and productively in serving Hashem. But there are others that lack either the aptitude or drive to engage in studying Torah or davening with a minyan or even davening at all. React and assist our fellow Jews to realize the beauty of Yiddishkeit and our golden heritage.        


Noach needed extra support from Hashem, but don’t we all. However, the Torah is clarifying that Hashem’s support for Noach was through the merit of future generations.                             


We are awe-struck and in much anguish and pain  in light of the slaughter of our brothers and sisters that has occurred in Eretz Yisroel. Our vigilance must be addressed on many levels. Of course, the need for financial assistance to Eretz Yisroel must happen and our moral support for those who have suffered tremendous loss of life must be forthcoming. However, let us realize that the power of our Torah study and our heartfelt davening have always been a stalwart source of salvation for our nation. Let us fortify ourselves at this incredibly difficult juncture in our history and pour out our hearts to Hashem to help us and bring peace to our beloved brethren in Eretz Yisroel. May the Rock of Israel protect us from further death to our people and destroy those who have perpetrated this heinous carnage of our beloved nation.