The Raisin Bread

A Jewish mother asks her son to deliver a message to the baker. The boy, being a good son, walks to the very busy and very overworked baker’s shop. As the baker is busy working and running around his shop, the boy yells out “My momma says there was a fly in the raisin bread!”

The baker doesn’t look up, and keeps running around working. So the boy says it again, only louder “My momma says there was a fly in the raisin bread!”

The baker still doesn’t look up. Once again, the boy yells – even louder. “MY MOMMA SAYS THERE WAS A FLY IN THE RAISIN BREAD!”

The baker, finally wishing to put an end to all this nuisance looks up at him and says “Fine. So bring the fly and I’ll give you a raisin.”