The Ultimate Reach

Yaakov left his parents following the recommendation of his father to go to Charan to look for a wife. He inadvertently passed by the site of Akeidas Yitzchok, where Avrohom and Yitzchok had executed their mission to ostensibly offer Yitzchok as a sacrifice. When he arrived in Charan it occurred to him that perhaps he had not davened at a spot where his forebears had davened.

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Our Building Blocks

Yitzchok was aging and realized that it was time to convey his blessings. Although he wanted Eisav to receive them, however, Rivka dissented and wanted Yaakov to be the beneficiary. Perhaps the question that needs to be asked is why she was so concerned about Yaakov’s blessings?

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A lot or a little?

We know that the Torah conceals many deep and profound secrets in obscure allusions. And our Sages have revealed many of these hidden and reflective complexities. However, every letter and its formation harbor many insightful explanations that require a trained and erudite intellect to expose the cryptic ideas of the Torah. And there are thousands of these beautiful intellectualizes of Torah knowledge encompassed throughout the words of the Torah.

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Does Hashem See?

Undoubtedly, the Akeida, when Avrohom was seemingly commanded to sacrifice his son Yitzchok, was a momentous and decisive event in our history. He was challenged to offer up his son as a sacrifice which would have been the end of his lineage and brought his movement to a abrupt end! He was halted from that and the mountain where this occurred, Mt. Moriah, is the place where the Beis Hamikdash was built.

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To Save A World

The creation slowly but surely degenerated into pandemonium. The morality of the generations deteriorated and respect for others declined as well, as minor robbery became the norm. It seems to resemble the United States of 2023 which also apparently in sliding into an abyss of social and economic decay. Noach couldn’t save the world but he did have merit to save himself and his family.

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To Save A World

The creation slowly but surely degenerated into pandemonium. The morality of the generations deteriorated and respect for others declined as well, as minor robbery became the norm. It seems to resemble the United States of 2023 which also apparently in sliding into an abyss of social and economic decay. Noach couldn’t save the world but he did have merit to save himself and his family.

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Externally Internal

Man is made of different shades. Certain actions we enjoy doing while others run against our grain. The Torah in its all-encompassing manner addresses the entire gamut of our being. Meshech Chochmah explains that certain mitzvos although aligned with our basic pattern of behavior further assist us in enhancing our conduct and elevating us to a higher plateau in serving Hashem.

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