So What’s New?

VOLUME 98 NUMBER 1October 1, 2021 Tishrei 25, 5782PARSHAS BEREISHISCandlelighting Time 6:23 PM             The thought occurred to me that since Rosh Hashanah is really the beginning of the year…

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Deep Inside

VOLUME 97 NUMBER 9September 10, 2021Tishrei 4, 5782PARSHAS VAYEILECHCandlelighting Time 6:58 PM This Shabbos is the first one of the year and referred to as Shabbos Shuva or Teshuva. It…

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Ground Zero

VOLUME 97 NUMBER 8September 3, 2021Elul 26, 5781PARSHAS NETZAVIMCandlelighting Time 7:09 PM             This week’s parsha is loaded with motivational proposals to persuade us to make the correct decision in…

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