Deep Inside

VOLUME 97 NUMBER 9September 10, 2021Tishrei 4, 5782PARSHAS VAYEILECHCandlelighting Time 6:58 PM This Shabbos is the first one of the year and referred to as Shabbos Shuva or Teshuva. It…

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Ground Zero

VOLUME 97 NUMBER 8September 3, 2021Elul 26, 5781PARSHAS NETZAVIMCandlelighting Time 7:09 PM             This week’s parsha is loaded with motivational proposals to persuade us to make the correct decision in…

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The Love Slap

VOLUME 97 NUMBER 3July 30, 2021Av 21, 5781PARSHAS EIKEVCandlelighting Time 7:56 PM             Moshe reminds the nation that during their forty-year sojourn in the desert they were tested by Hashem…

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Motion Denied

VOLUME 97 NUMBER 2July 23, 2021 Av 14, 5781PARSHAS VA’ESCHANANCandlelighting Time 8:03 PM             The nation is prepared to enter into the Land of Israel and at this juncture we unfortunately…

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Double Joke Day!

Joke one:A waiter gives a gentleman a cup of coffee. The gentleman takes a sip and spits it out.He turns to the waiter and says, “Waiter! This coffee tastes like mud!” The waiter, looking surprised, turns to the gentleman and says, “But, sir, it’s fresh…

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